Lady Gaga took to her Instagram and shared pictures as she attended the Milan premiere of her movie House Of Gucci. Gaga wore a custom red Versace gown with a fitted cutout-corset with a thigh-high slit and long train. Versace via their Instagram handle described the gown as, "made from enver silk satin, the dress takes inspiration from designs in the Versace Spring-Summer 1995 collection."
Milan Songs Lyrics & Videos: Milan is a 1995 Bollywood Hindi movie directed by Mahesh Bhatt and produced by Mukesh Duggal under the banners Venus. The film, starring Jackie Shroff and Manisha Koirala was released in theatres on 11 May 1995. Milan songs are composed by Milind Shrivastav and Anand Shrivastav, while Sameer wrote its lyrics. Check out Milan songs list with lyrics and music videos below.
Milan Hindi Full Movie 1995